Monday, April 7, 2008

Windows XP Shutdown and Reboot Shortcuts

Now as I have been moved to offshore, I am accessing my PC in US remotely. Now due to some reasons I want to reboot my PC, but non off the options allow me to do that, as I was accessing it remotely. Then I thought of putting a shortcut icons for reboot and shutdown. I need reboot icon. This is what I did :

Desktop Reboot Icon
Right click on the desktop
Click [New] [Shortcut] to open the Create Shortcut Wizard
Type [shutdown -r -t 00] without the brackets.
Click [Next] and type a descriptive name of your choosing for the shortcut
Click [Finish]

Desktop Shutdown Icon
Right click on the desktop
Click [New] [Shortcut] to open the Create Shortcut Wizard
Type [shutdown -s -t 00] without the brackets.
Click [Next] and type a descriptive name of your choosing for the shortcut
Click [Finish]

Hope you might need it sometime somewhere
Happy Troubleshooting !!!

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